The famous east Africa archaeological site .It is located about 40km north-west of ngorongoro crater, just a few kilometers off the Serengeti road. The first European known to have seen Olduvai Gorge was a German butterfly collector, Professor Wilhelm kattwinkle. In his notes in 1911, he described olduvai is containing the’ book of life’ and he took back to Berlin a considerable number of fossils including the teeth of an extinct three-toed horse known as Hipparion. The gorge stretches about 50km and is up to 90km deep. It was made famous by the finding result of Dr Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey; the findings include Homo habils, zinjathropus and laetoli site. Louis Leakey first visited Olduvai Gorge in 1931 and Mary Leakey dedicated 60 years of their life to search the fossils of an early mankind. It was until 24 years later in 17 July 1959 that Mary found zinjathropus, named Australopithecus Boisei after Charles who had supported their work at olduvai.
Destination | OLDUVAI GORGE |
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